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How to bake sweet potatoes?

How to bake sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes Ashish healthy food it is one of the common vegetables and consists of essential vitamins minerals it is good for blood sugar regulation lovely tattoo is also used in a natural treatment for intestinal parasites it is consist of Beta carotene which protects from but affecting parasites many people in the world are used sweet potatoes because of its healthy properties it is also helpful in the reduction of weight. In the following article, we get to know about How to bake sweet potatoes? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

What are sweet potatoes?

Sweet Potatoes are present in tubers, and it is also known as a root vegetable. It is illustrated as a tuberous root. Just like formal potatoes, sweet potatoes are also growing into the soil. Still, both Potatoes and sweet potatoes are different in nutritional values. Form, and size, and taste are other from one another.

Nutrition value of sweet potatoes

100 grams of sweet potatoes consist of

Sweet potatoes are consist of all types of essential vitamins and minerals and other elements which are good for human health. It is packed with

Benefits of sweet potatoes

There are several health benefits of sweet potatoes, such as

Prevent from cancer

Cancer is a chronic disease. Many people of the world are suffered from this fatal disease. The use of sweet potatoes prevents cancer because of carotenoid elements.

Control diabetes

Sweet potatoes also help in the lowering of blood sugar levels.

Prevent from heart disease

Sweet potatoes are also prevented from fatal heart diseases.

Prevent from eye disease

Sweet potatoes also prevent eye disease; the most popular is loss of eyesight due to vitamin A and beta carotenoids in sweet potatoes.

How to bake sweet potatoes


Sweet Potatoes four to six

Salt to taste

Black pepper half teaspoon

Butter as required


It is one of the fastest ways to bake sweet potatoes. Starting with the washing of the sweet potatoes with running water. As you normally would, dry them off with the help of a paper towel and pierce the sweet potato skin two to three times with the use of a fork. Sweet potatoes can explode when steam builds up while cooking. That’s why piercing them with a knife is incredibly important before cooking; place the sweet potatoes on a microwave-safe plate and microwave for five minutes. After five minutes, check the sweet potatoes with the wooden stick; if the sweet potatoes feel a bit firm in the middle, then continue to microwave for one to two minutes.

After two minutes, test them again with a wooden stick. If the post goes in easily, then the sweet potatoes are ready. Now, if you want your sweet potatoes to have that crispy oven-baked, look put them in the preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius or 390 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for about 5 minutes. Remove the sweet potatoes from the oven, cut them in the middle, and add salt, butter, and black pepper.

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