American Thinker

How to increase height after 18?

How to increase height after 18?

We all have grown up in a society where increasing height is more than impossible once you cross your 18. Well, you would be glad to know that it is just a myth, and you can increase some inches in your height at any age. In the following article, we get to know about How to increase height after 18? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Whenever we talk about height, a question pops up in our mind at once, and that is, is it even possible to grow taller after a specific number of living years? So the answer to this question is yes, you can increase your height to some extent at any age. 

Some factors play a vital role in increasing height. I have gathered some of the highly useful things that will help you to increase size after 18. 

Balanced and Clean Diet

The most crucial thing of all is your diet. What you eat is essential significantly in all aspects of your appearance and health. First of all, eat neat and healthy food even if you are not planning to increase your height after 18.

Specifically, when making a diet plan to increase your height, do not forget to include milk in it. Milk is rich in calcium that gives strength to your bones to grow to increase size after 18. 


Exercise has multiple health benefits, including an increase in height. You can look up some of these videos from YouTube for tips on increasing size. The most essential and efficient exercise is to stand on your toes. All you need to do is stand on your toes for 15 seconds and then rest for 05 seconds and repeat ten times. Practice this exercise thrice a day for at least three months or until you get the desired results to increase height after 18.  

Improve Your Posture 

The Posture of your body is an issue that is frequently ignored in our society. The way you sit or stand matters a lot. If you are habitual of standing while bending back, you will look 2 or 3 inches less than your actual height. So, stand or sit with a straight back to look active and tall. Improving Posture also gives you relief if you are suffering from back pain or spinal pain to some extent to increase height after 18. 

Stretch Your Body

In terms of increasing height, stretching does miracles to your body. When you stretch your body, your muscles are tested, and they become flexible as well. That flexibility and extending the other lead to the increase of height and many more health benefits. Do stretching the first thing in the morning, and you have no idea how it will change the structure of your body.

All of these practices are safe to perform and effective. So if we sum up, eat a healthy diet, exercise, stretch your body, and improve your body structure. If you want to enhance your height and look tall, consistently follow the steps mentioned earlier for at least three months and see the results. One thing is a must that you have to be consistent and patient in the entire process to achieve your desired goal.

Also read: best meal replacement shakes

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