American Thinker

7 Differences between Oven and Microwave You Must Know

Difference between microwave and oven

It could be that many people are still confused about the difference between an oven and a microwave, which at first glance look very similar even though both have many differences, ranging from function, capacity to the final result of cooking.

To be clear, consider the seven differences between ovens and microwaves below!

1. Work system

Microwave works as the name implies, which utilizes electromagnetic microwaves. Heat is obtained from microwaves that move and collide with each other. So the way the microwave works only increases the heat from the temperature of the food.

Unlike the microwave, the oven works to distribute and transfer heat from the heat source to the food. Therefore, any oven requires a heat source, either from electricity or fire (gas oven).

Today many ovens equips with fans to spread the heat evenly. Simply put, the function of the oven is to bake or cook food, while the microwave only heats it. 

2. Types and varieties: Difference between microwave and oven

Along with the development of technology, microwaves and ovens are increasingly varied with various features and functions. Five types of ovens often use.

The five types of ovens include stovetop ovens, aka manual ovens placed on the stove, electric ovens, gas ovens using LPG, conventional ovens (which are integrated with the stove), and convectional ovens, aka ovens with fans inside that help distribute heat.

Meanwhile, all microwaves come from electricity without a stove. The most common microwave only serves to heat and can not cook food.

Furthermore, the microwave grill has another function for grilling food, and finally, a convection microwave can even out the temperature. 

3. Cooking results: Difference between microwave and oven

Because of its function for ripening, food will produce better results when cooked in the oven. The texture of the food can be more crispy and cooked evenly. 

Meanwhile, the microwave is only optimal when used for heating with results that tend to be dry because of how it works, which reduces moisture content and removes food moisture. 

Indeed, now there is a term microwave oven with a dual function, namely heating and ripening at the same time. However, the results are certainly different from cooking using the oven.

4. Ripening or heating time: Difference between microwave and oven

In terms of heat, the microwave can have a higher temperature than the oven, with a difference of up to 50 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the heating time is faster than all types of ovens. 

Meanwhile, the speed of heating and baking in the oven can be different depending on the type. An electric oven, for example, takes longer to heat than a gas oven.

Also Read: 5 Easy and Precise Microwave Cleaning Tips, Really Easy!

5. Which is more economical?

It all depends on the type of device you are using. Microwaves consume more electricity but have a fast heating time.

On the other hand, the oven requires a small amount of power, electricity, and gas. However, the heating and ripening process takes a long time, so that the power also swells. 

So if you ask which one is more economical? The answer, depending on the intensity of use only. Don’t forget to adjust it according to your electricity capacity.

6. Size and volume: Difference between microwave and oven

Microwaves tend to be smaller in size, up to 30 liters. This adapter to its function as a food warmer only.

Meanwhile, ovens vary in size, ranging from microwaves to those with a large capacity. Usually, conventional ovens are large and tend to be more expensive, and these ovens are often used for baking bread, pizza, and so on.

7. Container materials that may and may not be used

Not just any container can fit into these two devices. Not necessarily a safe device for the microwave can use in the oven, and vice versa.

For microwaves, plastic containers can use as long as there is a microwave-safe label. You also need to re-check the quality of the material.

Glass or ceramic materials are relatively safe to use in temperatures that are not too high. It recommends avoiding putting food wrapped in aluminum foil because it can potentially catch fire.

As for the oven, you can use a baking sheet, a heat-resistant ceramic dish, and aluminum foil. All plastic materials, of course, cannot use in the oven, including even microwave-safe cooking utensils.

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